Alaska in Flip Flops - Day 4
Day 4Woke up early - not sleeping great but at least not cold! We inflated one of the inflatable kayaks and all set off to collect sea asparagus.this was right before we were boarded by the state trooper and got a ticket for too many rods in the water :( we were not successful catching a salmon - we moved to cackle point to try for halibut or rock fish :( We made it through Sturgess Narrows at slack tide and went to Deep Bay to try our luck at crab.
filling up the boat with four of the fuel bladders
no luck at crab :( as commercial fishing for crab had started
Dar enjoying the net kite.
fuel filling hi jinx ;) After emptying the bladders then I had to deal with my water soaked bed - which was tricky in the coffin bunk :( the fooler (freezer) leaked all over it ended up taping a garbage bag over the entrance to hopefully avoid further catastrophy :(
We stopped at midway reef to try again for fish :DHere is Dar catching a fish :)
nice big rock cod
here I am reeling in a giant halibut
Mary helping me land the giant halibut
he was a fighter it took four tries to get him in the net
here it is on board
my first giant fish!
the view
first attempt at picking up the giant halibut
not enjoying it
it was kind of pushing me past my ick-o-meter
the view!!
We decided to check out Ell Cove for the night
here I am picking it up the second time - will load the video of the first attempt for your endless amusement
We enjoyed BBQ Halibut, Dar brussels sprouts and zucchini carpaccio (thinly sliced zucchini with olive oil, lemon - with salt and pepper (optional parmesan and pine nuts)I enjoyed two vodka lemon drinks with Mary and went to sleep. What a HUGE day - ridiculous good.