day five - road trip 2014 - heading west
day fiveWe woke up thinking we were going to head to San Diego and Andrea and Jai planned to go to Jericho. We got to see this sweet ride at one of our fuel stops.We ended up changing our plans when we figured out the hike we wanted to do would take more time than we had :( We were certainly surprised to meet up with these two :)Jai captured to moment Andrea spotted us - what a surprise!!
Here are our feet :D
kicking it old school :)
cactus garden!
split rock for a lunch stop :)
random upside down hearts :)
climbing on skull rock
posing with Joshua trees
climbing on Jumbo Rocks
checking out the sunset view
pretty great day and we managed to make it into L.A. to see our friends - team split up to different ends of town.