We started our day early in Hot Springs Cove as we had actually made it on the boat in time the night before to have a smooth run up to the Springs - but once we got there we were too tired to make the walk and just got an early night sleep which was good for our early morning start.IMG 3116IMG 7353We made it to boat basin and had a great tour of the garden from Peter with some hikers Meryl and Evan who had had an adventurous hike starting out with a plane crash - which they failed to mention for some time - they were hiking with two big dogs and they are both Vets in Guelph currently. Here are some pics from the garden:IMG 7358IMG 7360IMG 7362IMG 7363IMG 7364IMG 7365IMG 7367IMG 7373IMG 7376IMG 7378IMG 7381IMG 7385IMG 7391IMG 7392IMG 7393IMG 7394IMG 7395IMG 3044IMG 3042IMG 7405IMG 7414IMG 7420IMG 7422IMG 7423After the tour we went back to the boat for a pizza lunch and prepped dinner to have with Peter on the beach later - it was all delicious and fun times :)IMG 7436


Sol Duc July 2013 day two


NFLD - day ten